Terry Drinkwine Outdoors!

Fly Fishing, Grouse Hunting and Fine Bird Dogs Spoken Here!



OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIt’s time for a fire. It’s not that it’s cold or snowing or even time to turn on the furnace, it’s just time for a fire. The signal is when windows get shut because there is just a little chill in the air, then even a small fire in the fireplace is, as they say, comfort food for the eyes, and every other sense.

Too, fire has a smell that acts as a catalyst for thoughts and remembrances: It makes you think about returning to the cabin after a day’s hunt, drying out after getting caught in an autumn rain, dark looking back at you at 6 pm, and  gives off a feeling of comfort and safety; the wolves will be kept away. Throw on a pine knot and the only thing that could make the experience better is “two fingers of your favorite bourbon.”

It’s all good!





  1. Steve Krause says:

    Amen, Terry. Think I’ll throw a few logs on here myself!

    1. admin says:

      Don’t forget the “two fingers.”

  2. Steve Krause says:

    Two fingers?

    1. admin says:

      “two fingers of bourbon”

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