Terry Drinkwine Outdoors!

Fly Fishing, Grouse Hunting and Fine Bird Dogs Spoken Here!

Who says an old dog can’t learn new tricks?


I’ve been tying – or trying to tie – egg sucking leeches. All that is, is an egg tied to the front of a hook followed by a woolly bugger. And both patterns are simple when tied separately, but for the life of me, I’m spending three times as long tying the pattern. After watching a u-tube video, I learned an easier way of tying an egg sucking leech.

You can buy pom-poms of all different sizes and colors at most craft stores, like Michaels. For pennies, you can get an entire bag of different colored pom-poms that can be slid onto a hook after tying a base of thread and covering it with glue. Simple. Then just tie a wooly bugger behind the egg. And, it’s cheaper than buying material for eggs.


Who says an old dog can’t learn new tricks?

  1. John Beach says:

    Geez, That was one of those tying secrets, ya know!

    1. admin says:

      Yes, I know. I got a call from Orvis, they didn’t want me to share either.

  2. Rich Merlino says:

    Terry, check out a video i did on YouTube called “7 easy egg patterns”. A few of those tips may help some tyers to quickly put an egg at the end of a Bugger as well as give their creations a slightly different look.

    1. admin says:

      Will do. Thanks Rich

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