Terry Drinkwine Outdoors!

Fly Fishing, Grouse Hunting and Fine Bird Dogs Spoken Here!

Old friends!


You’re probably as tired of reading about “cabin fever” as I am writing about it. Unfortunately the only cure, outside of going to a warm climate, is dealing with it, and that means finding things to do that get your mind off of the subject; which in my case doing those things are brought on by “cabin fever.”old friends

I think most of us – at least those my age, near it or older – have amassed a collection of books on all sorts of topics. So to keep from tearing my hair out – the little that’s left – I went through the several bookshelves I have looking at all of the books on fly tying, hatches, patterns and especially those written offering sage advice on what to look for, how to imitate what you find and how to present it to catch a trout.

Surprisingly it took up a couple of hours just sorting through the books I pulled from the shelves; some of which I’d forgotten I had. What I found were old friends. There were paperbacks, though most were hardcover (I’ve always preferred a hardcover book when I could get it) and some were published in lesser quality paper than others while the newer ones had glossy pages with color photos. Some were written in the 30’s by authors whose names I had forgotten.

Aside from patterns tied with materials that weren’t available when those books were written, what struck me …or I should say, was reinforced in my mind – was that there is little that was new in terms of hatches and the element they live in: Mayflies are still mayflies, etc. In fact, the only difference was in the directness the older books on the subject put their premise. Some were so old there was a difference in the colloquial use of grammar.

I’m still re-reading some of the books and I’m amazed at how they jogged my memory. To make a long story short, tying flies, when to use when and how to present them, is nothing new. Only gadgets and gizmos …and of course their costs have changed.

Look around, you’ll be surprised at what you already have …and know.



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