Terry Drinkwine Outdoors!

Fly Fishing, Grouse Hunting and Fine Bird Dogs Spoken Here!

The “King” is back!


The clock read 4:14. I wasn’t sure why I woke and looked at the clock, but then it happened again; Seamus was slapping my arm with his paw, inching his way toward my face. Making no sound, he inched his way on top of the covers until he was able to touch me and get a reaction.DSC_0266

It was useless to try and make him lay back down for another hour or so, so after a couple of commands of “get down,” I gave up, got up and got dressed for an early morning walk …run, for him.

It had been hard on Seamus back home not being able to run. Somehow, going for a walk on a leash isn’t enough. He’s used to running in the fields and woods by the cabin. Snow is just a little inconvenience, something he turns into a plaything as he jumps the drifts, burrows under the surface with his nose and sends the snow flying when he sneezes.

There was plenty of snow on the ground and in the woods and field; snow that was undisturbed except for deer and small critter tracks, and Seamus was checking out each and every one of them. I was lucky he was preoccupied with the tracks, it was so dark, there was no way I would have been able to see him if he took off after something that caught his attention.

We covered our usual route and when I made the turn to head back to the cabin where “She Who Must Be Obeyed” would have coffee waiting, Seamus ran alongside without having to be beeped.

The “King” was back and made his return known by marking every snowdrift, tree and fencepost. Now it was time to head back to the cabin and go through his next routine until I come up with his idea …bacon!


The “King” is back!

  1. Vickie says:

    Terry that sounds so cute that your dog was creeping up by you trying to nuge you to get up

      1. Debbie says:

        got to love that boy! they all have a way of melting your heart! Life wouldn’t be complete without one of our 4 legged kids!

        1. admin says:

          That’s for sure. I think they figure it out too. that’s why they play us like they do.

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