Terry Drinkwine Outdoors!

Fly Fishing, Grouse Hunting and Fine Bird Dogs Spoken Here!

It All Came Together


Don’t throw rocks at me – I know skiers, tubers and recreational boaters are bummed out – but what great weather for fishing. All along the downstream stretch from Graves Crossing to beyond Webster Bridge, Sam Lynch and I had the river all to ourselves. Cloudy skies, rain and cool temperatures made for a great day on the Jordan yesterday ….and produced nice fish.

It was Sam’s first trip to several of the spots we fished and I think the Jordan has another admirer.

Browns, rainbows and brookies cooperated and took several different patterns, the most productive being a Hare’s Ear pattern. A nice brown topped the catch.

In a weak moment, I decided to share my favorite spot with Sam and took him for a trek through bog and brush to a stretch that I think is one of the most beautiful stretches. (I made sure he didn’t have a compass.) I knew I succeeded in confusing him about the location when he said he was more concerned about breaking his rod on the walk in then in the river catching branches.

We got rained on and cold, but the good time throwing flies we tied put the inconvenience out of our minds. I knew it was going to go well when on the second cast with a Hare’s Ear, a 12 inch brown took it, jumped and tried to dive into a submerged logjam. The bamboo held tight and brought the brown back into the current and eventually to net. Beautiful fish.

The last spot before we called it a day also produced fish; browns and brookies cooperated and came to net, also to a Hare’s Ear.

It was good fishing in a place that makes you forget to look at your watch.



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