Terry Drinkwine Outdoors!

Fly Fishing, Grouse Hunting and Fine Bird Dogs Spoken Here!

Passing it on


There are certain things that we consider rights of passage. Amongst them: learning to drive; being able to legally drink alcohol; deer hunt; and learn to use a fly rod. The best part of attaining these things is being taught by dad or granddad …and the best part for dad or granddad is being able to pass them on.Josh's fish

Most of us (some are self taught) not only learn the “how to’s” but get the biased versions that encompass family traditions with “how’s and why’s;” techniques learned over several lifetimes.

Grandson, Josh, just turned eleven and loves to fish. We’ve fished together several times (he lives in Virginia) and plan on fly fishing the Au Sable, Manistee and Jordan Rivers this summer. So, after months of practicing with a Practicaster, it’s time for Josh’s introduction to his first real fly rod; a seven and a half foot 5 wt. should do the trick along with some of gramp’s tied Wolly Buggers.

For the next few days we’ll be working a couple of small ponds with pearls of wisdom flowing from gramp’s tongue to Josh’s ears …oh yes, the first pearl will be, “Don’t repeat what you hear to your mother.”



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