The fish are coming …not to me, but others of our group are doing well.
With little in the way of hatches, most of the fishing is done with wet flies, nymphs and emergers. Caddis are making an appearance on this stretch of the North Branch, but the Brown Drakes are found further north around the Sheep Ranch to Twin Bridges area.
Still, this is great, and there is always tomorrow.
This morning I fished at Dam Four Road Access. It’s a staple as far as places to fish on the North Branch and a prettier spot is hard to find. It’s close to the old Ford property that Henry Ford, Thomas Edison and other notables of that time fished in the twenties. Footings from the power plant Edison designed for their camp are still there. It’s on private property, but if you can get permission, you’ll find yourself standing in the shadow of history.
Lovell is the town associated with the North Branch of the Au Sable. It’s a crossroads kind of place with only a couple of buildings to include a tavern, hardware store and grocery store and the Douglas Hotel, now the home of the North Branch Outing Club otherwise known as Fullers Fly Shop and Guide Service. The Douglas Hotel is a landmark of over 100 years. It’s quaint and a must for our group to visit every year. Judy Fuller is the proprietor.
The only downside to this trip is the quality and quantity of food. Every person provides a meal and guys being guys, well suffice it to say, no one goes hungry and thank God for screens.
It’s my move in the chess game I’m playing with the trout in a spot upstream from the cabin. So far, he’s been taking my pieces fairly easily. Time to make my move. Stay tuned.