Terry Drinkwine Outdoors!

Fly Fishing, Grouse Hunting and Fine Bird Dogs Spoken Here!




The Hendrickson hatch is one of the first major hatches of the season. This year because of the relatively mild winter, the hatch is predicted to take place on or near the opening of the general trout season, April 24.

The Hendrickson has been copied many times and improvised on but always the basic recipe emerges a winner. This pattern came from an old Orvis pattern book I’ve had for many years and have always returned to for it’s  patterns.


Hook:  Mustad 94840 or equivalent size 12 -18

Thread:  Black or gray

Wing:  Lemon wood duck, upright and divided

Body:  Dark dun dubbing

Hackle:  Dark dun rooster hackle

Tail:  Dark dun hackle fibers


Begin by tying a base of thread a third of the way back from the eye. Tie on the wing consisting of lemon wood duck fibers and divide it. (On smaller size hooks a clump will suffice as long as it spreads) Wrap back to the bend and tie on a few dark dun hackle fibers for the tail and begin dubbing dark gray squirrel, muskrat, beaver material or poly (your choice) forward to the wing and beyond. Tie in one or two (depending on the size hook) dry fly hackle feathers and wind behind and in front of the wing. Create a head and tie off.

See you on the water!



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