Terry Drinkwine Outdoors!

Fly Fishing, Grouse Hunting and Fine Bird Dogs Spoken Here!

It may not be with words, but I swear Seamus can talk!


I’m not sure if it’s just his curiosity or a characteristic of being a bird dog. Every morning, Seamus climbs on the back of the loveseat and sits there like a grouse on a tree limb. He sits there looking out the window and lets me know when someone walking a dog goes past he house.

This has been going on for years – at least ever since “She Who Must Be Obeyed” decided to move the loveseat next to the window – and he’s developed a code I can recognize for each dog in the neighborhood that goes by. If it’s a cat …well, he just plain goes nuts; even the neighbors can hear him.DSC_0269 - Copy

With the advent of spring, it’s just a matter of time before he gets to run in the fields along the Jordan, where we hunt grouse. But only for a short while, the middle of April closes dog training on state land. That doesn’t prevent from walking a dog on a leash or tether, but, Seamus is rarely on a tether up north, so the romps along the Jordan will be short-lived and replaced by the long walks along Lake Michigan …once I can get the Jeep down the embankment.

There are benefits to running Seamus along Lake Michigan: Later in spring, carp can be seen spawning in the lagoons and shallows. Beginning in late May, my 8 wt will be in the car, just incase I see dorsal fins sticking out of the water amongst the reeds and other vegetation.

It works out for both of us, be both get some exercise and we both get fixated by what we see or smell. Our roles change there along the mile long beach; it’s one of the few timesĀ Seamus has to wait for me to get through. But he’s adapted to that too, he’s developed a special bark that lets me know he’s waiting.



It may not be with words, but I swear Seamus can talk!

  1. Greg says:

    “special bark to let me know he’s waiting.” HA!a talking dog!

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